Me decia mi abuelita Amalia," Ahora si, que nos dejaron como la novia vestida y alborotada." Esto me suena a lo que esta pasando en el Gobierno de Los Estados Unidos acerca de los Latinos. Gracias a Dios que vivimos en un Gobierno Parcipativo. Esto quiere decir que tenemos el derecho como ciudadanos de este gran pais para participar en nuestra representacion a niveles de ciudad, el condado, estatal, y federal. Nuestro voto es el poder que nos dieron los Padres Fundadores para no estar bajo un gobierno monarquico. Acuerdensen que tambien los Espanoles tenian un rey.
Pero, durante todos estos anos me he dado cuenta que la mayoria de los Latinos no votan. Si votan, la mayoria votan por los Democratas. Yo siempre e votado Republicano. Porque? Porque tengo un problema que despues de 50 anos de estar votando por los Democratas los latinos estan en las mismas situaciones que estaban cuando sacaron la ley llamada Operacion Mojado (Operation Wetback 1954). No crees que si hubieramos estado representados correctamente, no estuvieramos en esta misma situacion de retenes, y deportaciones inadvertidas. Dicen las personas a que estoy enseniando clases de negocio "el Democrata es para el pobre, y el Repubicano es para el rico". Dime cuantos de ustedes quieren o tienen el dinero disponible para pagar mas impuestos. Lo que deben de decir es "el Democrata nos sube los impuestos, y los Republicanos nos los bajan."
Lo mejor es que los Latinos voten por los Republicanos para ser parte del partido y asi los Republicanos no se atrevan a pasar leyes que afecten negativamente a los Latinos. Te garantizo que si eso pasa los Democratas entonces sacaran las leyes de deportacion contra la raza. No sacaron los Democratas el Dream Act hace poco sabiendo que los Republicanos no lo ivan a pasar? Porque no lo sacaron cuando tenian la mayoria en el Senado y en la Casa de los Representantes? El plan de los Democratas no es ganar las elecciones es de hacer que las personas se enogen con los Republicanos y escojan el partido contrario.
Hay que ser listos y no nomas votar por costumbre. Nosotros los indigenas de este pais somos mas sabios que eso. Estamos en una pocision que los dos partidos nos estan enamorando por nuestro voto. Todos sabemos que los politicos son una bola de labiosos, pero en vez en cuando sale uno que deberas nos va respetar y querer como una pareja verdadera. Hay que esperarnos y ver acual nos va dar la prioridad y poner en marcha los temas que nos prometieron en los primeros dos anos de ser eligido no cuando piensen que no va hacer reeligidos.
Lo diferente entre nosotros los Latinos y la novia alborotada es que nosotros tenemos dos pretendientes.
Acumen for Balance in a Impelling World, by helping individuals create harmony in their professional, personal, and spiritual lives.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Famous last words
Never! Is one of the most legendary of last words. "I'll never get a blog" I enunciated to my public relations team. "Why, should I even care about what other people think of me. Any one who knows me, knows that I am a loving father, a full time student, a Palomar College Foundation Board of Director, who loves purist architecture, and God." "No, they don't", they refuted.
The internet has become the tool of choice when you want to know information about someone or what he/ she has done recently. It is a mechanism for friends to tell each other to "google him" before going on a second date. For employers to find out what you did when you were supposedly sick. In this ever decreasing world, due to an expanding technology, we must not only embrace it as a tool for our professional lives, but as a conduit for us to share our personal, and spiritual ones as well. It sort of reminds me of the letter my Spiritual Father sends out to all of his friends at the beginning of every year, where he not only writes of all the accomplishments that his family and flock have achieved, but also of all the hurts and sorrows they have endured. Here are mine.
In my personal life, I am presently homeschooling my kids. Their mother remarried and moved to Corona and although she still works in San Marcos and brings the kids to school everyday, the school they where attending has suspended them for not living within their districts boundaries. This is understandable, but what I don't understand is why they were escorted off their campuses, before letting us parents know beforehand. Consequently, I am homeschooling my two boys until the end of this school year.
Three years ago my professional life took a forboding drop, I can sit here and try to convince the reader that we are going thru this recession unscathed, but the reality is that we have taken a massive flogging. Real Estate Development as we used to know it will never be the same. The present administration will make sure of that as they invent new ways to create new taxes to pay for these new regulations. Even amongst all this turmoil, though I have been developing a 200,000 square foot Mixed Use condominium project in San Marcos. I was aboundedly assertive to locate the capital, thru private investors, which I need to build out the project, but there is one conundrum. I must first prequalify all the buyers before they release the funds. My real estate team is actively undertaking this task.
My spiritual life is what gives me balance, it is the context that gives me the determination to complete my personal and professional objectives. A spiritual objective that I am pursuing this year is to begin a food ministry with the help of all my friends. It is set up to not give cans of something that nobody eats (for ex. canned pork) but, a grocery bag with all the ingredients needed to cook an entire meal, including a menu. We would not store the food, but instead we would pick it up from the donors and deliver it in the same day.
In conclusion, I am attending college to acquire a degree in Business Administration with an emphasis on Finance, writing a Case Statement for Latino Students, while homeschooling my kids, and developing a Mixed Use Project, as I want to feed the community. That in a nutshell is me and by the way, this is definitely true, I never want to have anything to do with politics.
The internet has become the tool of choice when you want to know information about someone or what he/ she has done recently. It is a mechanism for friends to tell each other to "google him" before going on a second date. For employers to find out what you did when you were supposedly sick. In this ever decreasing world, due to an expanding technology, we must not only embrace it as a tool for our professional lives, but as a conduit for us to share our personal, and spiritual ones as well. It sort of reminds me of the letter my Spiritual Father sends out to all of his friends at the beginning of every year, where he not only writes of all the accomplishments that his family and flock have achieved, but also of all the hurts and sorrows they have endured. Here are mine.
In my personal life, I am presently homeschooling my kids. Their mother remarried and moved to Corona and although she still works in San Marcos and brings the kids to school everyday, the school they where attending has suspended them for not living within their districts boundaries. This is understandable, but what I don't understand is why they were escorted off their campuses, before letting us parents know beforehand. Consequently, I am homeschooling my two boys until the end of this school year.
Three years ago my professional life took a forboding drop, I can sit here and try to convince the reader that we are going thru this recession unscathed, but the reality is that we have taken a massive flogging. Real Estate Development as we used to know it will never be the same. The present administration will make sure of that as they invent new ways to create new taxes to pay for these new regulations. Even amongst all this turmoil, though I have been developing a 200,000 square foot Mixed Use condominium project in San Marcos. I was aboundedly assertive to locate the capital, thru private investors, which I need to build out the project, but there is one conundrum. I must first prequalify all the buyers before they release the funds. My real estate team is actively undertaking this task.
My spiritual life is what gives me balance, it is the context that gives me the determination to complete my personal and professional objectives. A spiritual objective that I am pursuing this year is to begin a food ministry with the help of all my friends. It is set up to not give cans of something that nobody eats (for ex. canned pork) but, a grocery bag with all the ingredients needed to cook an entire meal, including a menu. We would not store the food, but instead we would pick it up from the donors and deliver it in the same day.
In conclusion, I am attending college to acquire a degree in Business Administration with an emphasis on Finance, writing a Case Statement for Latino Students, while homeschooling my kids, and developing a Mixed Use Project, as I want to feed the community. That in a nutshell is me and by the way, this is definitely true, I never want to have anything to do with politics.
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